Hair loss in the fall?

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Hair loss in the fall?

Many people note that the problem of hair loss in the fall becomes more common and obvious, but is there a scientific basis for this?

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Many suffer from the problem of hair loss in the fall, which begins specifically between the summer and autumn seasons, so what is the truth behind this problem?

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The truth about hair loss in the fall?

In a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology, it was found that the problem of hair loss is more common and prevalent in summer and autumn compared to winter and spring, and the researchers behind the study indicated that the same applies to animals as well, not only humans.

In addition, some experts indicate that stress plays a major role in the issue of hair loss, and this in turn increases with the advent of autumn and even winter, which may increase the problem of hair loss.

Hair Loss: Other Causes

In addition to hair loss in the fall, there are some causes and factors that cause hair loss, including the following:

  • Family history: If you have a family history of hair loss and hair loss with age, you are also more prone to it.
  • Hormonal changes and health problems: Hormonal levels and their change affect the problem of hair loss, and this is evident during pregnancy, menopause or thyroid problems.
  • Taking some types of medications: Hair loss may be a side effect of some types of medications, such as those intended to treat cancer, depression or heart disease.
  • Stress: Hair loss caused by stressful situations is temporary and non-chronic.
  • Some hairstyles and treatments: such as tying the hair very tightly, in addition to using some types of oils.

The risk factors include:

  • Aging
  • Noticeable weight loss.
  • Diabetes or alopecia.
  • Nutritional poverty.

Tips to prevent hair loss in the fall

Here are a set of tips that will help you protect your hair from falling out during the change of seasons and different times:

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  • Avoid brushing and combing when hair is wet.
  • Use a sulfate-free shampoo and wash your hair with it at least once every three days.
  • Do not overuse thermal hair dryers.
  • Minimize hair dye and use of chemicals.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles.
  • Use some useful oils that help nourish and moisturize the hair, such as coconut oil and argan.
  • Use some useful hair masks such as those containing eggs and green tea.
  • Make sure to follow a healthy, balanced diet that contains all the nutrients.

When should you consult a doctor?

Sometimes hair loss in the fall or different days of the year is a lot, but when should you consult a doctor about it?

  • If you suffer from persistent hair loss.
  • Hair thinning in the frontal area, especially in women.
  • Notice the sudden loss of a large amount of hair.
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