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It’s What’s On The Inside That Counts-Why Psychological Social Marketing Proves This Wrong.

It’s What’s On The Inside That Counts-Why Psychological Social Marketing Proves This Wrong.

Ever hear the phrase “It’s not what’s on the outside, but what’s on the inside that counts”? I’m sure you have, and I’m sure a lot of people have heard that their blind date had a “great personality” when asked about their looks.

People judge others within the first 8 seconds of meeting the person. Not a lot of time to get to know the real “You” is it? The same goes for a social media update. Even though the content on the other side of that update may be beautiful, and some of the best ever written, it’s what’s evaluated on the other side, ie, in the social update, that determines in the readers mind if this is worthy of pursuing further.

The average attention span of a person done by a recent study in 2012 was only 8 seconds. Which means that you have at least that much time, probably less, in social media to get someone’s attention with your updates.

The Short Attention Span of Your Followers

Big brands like Twitter and Vine understand that we don’t have a lot of time to get someone’s attention from social media. Twitter’s 140 character limit and Vine’s 6 second video’s can attest to that. It seems that a study of Facebook has proves that a character limit of less than 70 characters get’s more likes and more attention from reader base.

Everywhere you look, people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter.

This is a society where we can get a full meal in less than 5 minutes, cook a pizza in less than 3 with the microwave, text messages are instant, and we are a society that has forgotten what it means to wait. This has crippled some people in the social media world because they can’t keep up with the ADD entwined basis of what this whole marketing standard is set by.

The whole marketing idea is to get their attention

What’s on the inside has a lot of meaning. But it doesn’t matter to that person that has never been to your site before. They want some mental masturbation that can alleviate that itch that they are having at the moment. It’s all about convergence in social media and whether or not you have what it takes to get them there or not.

The Result of Psychology

So now you know what you’re up against. You’re up against people that are looking only at who they know in social media without really realizing they’re doing it. You’re up against a society that doesn’t have the time to go to your website, not because it’s not important, but because they have no idea that it is!

It’s up to you to steer them to your site.

One of the problems that I had when I first started blogging was getting people to notice me. Of course, the regular methods still work like guest posting and making friends in your niche on social media sites, but when you’re wanting to become successful by driving targeted traffic to your site through social media, then you’re going to have to get those people that don’t know you.

Whether you have a good following or not is irrelevant. A large following does help get your content out to more people, but it’s not necessary. Let me give you a social media 101 class:

What happens when someone likes, +1′s, or retweets your content?

  • GoogleSince Google Plus has now changed the way people see your plus 1′s, it makes it more powerful now because when someone hits the +1 button on your content it gets shared to their timeline.
  • FacebookA “Like” on Facebook goes to their stream as well as a share.
  • TwitterA retweet is someone taking your tweet and distributing to their followers

So all in all, when someone is interacting on your updates you are getting that much more opportunities to drive targeted traffic to your site.

That’s why wording is important:

You’ve heard the term “A picture is worth a thousand words”?  Sure you have.  And there’s no shortage of images on social media sites.  This is the best way to get people to interact with you on social platforms.  For some reason a beautiful picture calls to people and induces massive likes and shares.

However, I realize you don’t have time to go posting pretty pictures on your social media stream…you want to make money, right?  But how are you going to get the people that would not normally interact on your updates to actually give you the time of day?

It’s What’s On The Inside That Counts-Why Psychological Social Marketing Proves This Wrong.

Here’s How:

The premise is to keep it short.  Normally someone not connected to you isn’t going to read the Gettysburg Address in your update.  So keeping it short, but also intriguing them enough to click on the link is nothing short of science.

Here’s some things that work:

  • The 5 W’s- “Who What When Where & Why” are all good combinations to start your update with.  These generate questions in the readers mind.  For instance if you said, “What you should know before posting that update” makes people think that they’re doing it wrong and will want to check it out.
  • Leave out your opinion- I know that it’s hard to do, but when you’re trying to make money, you need to leave your opinion at the door.  Posting with adjectives like “Amazing” and “Awesome” takes away people’s ability to judge for themselves and also builds a wall in their psyche and they won’t want to visit.
  • Use Emotion- Emotion is a big thing that you can use to drive traffic.  Whether you know it or not, you are creating some type of emotion with your update…even if its boredom, that emotion is there.  Some types of emotion that is easy to play off of is indignant and happiness.  This one is so important that even Stanford University says emotion plays a huge role in social media.

Let me stop right there and try to explain this one.  I can imagine that you’re getting confused right about now and probably thinking, Ok, I’ve got less than 8 seconds to get their attention, and in those 8 seconds I’ve got to pull some kind of emotion out of them? 

It just sounds harder than it is.

The easiest emotion that I have found to pull out of people is the “Fear Of Loss” emotion.  When someone thinks that a certain thing is going to be gone and they will not have the time to participate in whatever it is your promoting, they usually will.  Normally, this works better with email marketing and squeeze pages.  As you know, that’s the first step to people’s wallets online.

Creating a Google Hangout and telling people that there are only 9 spots left to learn about the Psychology of social marketing can really help your business sky-rocket.  You normally don’t sell to them with this first emotion.  This is used to get them excited about whatever it is that you’re doing.  In my case, the Twitter marketing thing, I get them excited about learning how to drive more traffic from Twitter using something called Psychology…something everyone’s heard about, but not using it to help them with social media, so they are intrigued.  They know Psychology is a real thing and then they see that I am the leading expert on social media Psychology and there are only 9 spots left to get into the class, then it really fills up fast!

The Final Word

Although your site may have outrageous content that could help the world, people don’t care. It’s what’s on the outside, the promotional aspects of the post, that makes all the difference to people that have no idea who you are. You can remedy that with just a few changes to your updates to get them to notice you! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you share this article! Tell me in the comment section what you think about social media psychology?

It’s What’s On The Inside That Counts-Why Psychological Social Marketing Proves This Wrong.


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