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What are black holes? Definition / facts / books

What are black holes Definition facts books

We all heard about the great achievement that happened a few days ago, we took for the first time in human history the first picture of a black hole, science has advanced a lot and we have come a very long way until we were able to take this picture and look at it with unparalleled pride, but what are black holes and will they destroy us someday? These are all questions that need full answers!

Read also: What happens if you fall into a black hole?

What are black holes?

They are places in space whose gravitational force is the greatest possible. These holes attract all objects, materials, stars, or planets that approach them; Even light can’t pass through these holes, and because light can’t pass through, black holes are never visible, but even though we can’t see them; There are special space tools and telescopes that help us find these holes and monitor their behavior, in addition to observing the nearby stars, and we can consider the Event Horizon Telescope as one of these distinctive tools.

How do black holes grow?

Speaking of their size, it can be said that black holes do not have a fixed size, but their size depends on various factors, but the interesting thing is that they grow gradually, as black holes grow due to the capture and devouring of nearby objects.

Yes, the black hole devours objects close to it, so any object or material that approaches the black hole cannot escape the gravity of the large hole, so these objects are devoured and the black hole increases and grows as a result, but do not be afraid, it does not devour objects that are far away from it. , but captures objects that are very close to the black hole as a result of being subjected to a very strong gravitational force.

Black holes can grow and get bigger as a result of shredding material from nearby stars as well, or from collisions and mergers with other black holes.

Can black holes destroy the earth?

Can black holes destroy the earth?

We don’t quite know if this question makes a lot of sense in this respect, are we going to die because of black holes? It is still too early for this end, as black holes do not wander in the vast universe and swallow planets randomly, but follow the laws of gravity very strictly, to destroy our beautiful Earth,

It must be very close to the solar system to be able to affect the Earth we live in, which is a possibility, it is unlikely, and if this happens and a huge black hole approaches our galaxy and its mass reaches the mass of the sun,

The Earth will not fall into the black hole, but the Earth and the planets adjacent to it will revolve around the black hole instead of revolving around the sun, but if the mass of the black hole exceeds the mass of the sun And closer to the planets of the solar system, it is likely that the Earth will be swallowed and annihilated, but so far the possibility is very remote at the moment.

Do black holes perish?

A black hole also has a definite lifespan, just like anything else that arises, grows, expands gradually, and then dies. This fact was revealed when Stephen Hawking discovered that black holes radiate energy due to quantum mechanical processes. This type of radiation is called Hawking radiation.

Because black holes emit some kind of energy, they gradually shrink. The more radiation emitted, the shorter the lifespan of black holes. This is an inversely proportional process between the radiation from black holes and the age of the holes, but it takes a very long time to annihilate a single black hole with a mass equal to the mass of the sun.

Very useful books about black holes

Everything that has been mentioned so far is just the tip of the iceberg, simple information and proven scientific facts that you can read while going to work, but we never finished here;

What are black holes? Definition / facts / books

Black holes are a very big and very huge topic behind which lie many astronomical and physical details, so we have searched for you for some reliable and useful books that you can read and learn more about black holes through them.

  • A Brief History Of Time

When we search for astronomical information, we will not see better than the books of the world Stephen Hawking reviews it, as for his book A Brief History Of Time, it was one of the first astronomical books that talked about the universe and its nature.

The book achieved massive sales of nine million copies translated into 40 different languages. The book chapters touched on different astronomical concepts and black holes had a good share in this book.

If you are interested in astronomical sciences in general or black holes in particular, we recommend reading this book Because it contains proven information, it enjoys scientific sobriety, and most importantly, in a simple and interesting style.

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  • The Black Hole War

Black holes have had controversial adventures in the sciences in terms of proof, what will happen when a black hole swallows a planet? And other questions that Stephen Hawking began to ask, exposing everything we know about physics and the basic laws of doubt so that Leonard Susskind comes and begins his battle with Hawking with his book “Black Hole War,” which includes very interesting facts about black holes, modern physics, the fate of stars, and the secrets of black holes. Leonard Susskind is interesting and well worth checking out.

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Fun facts about black holes!

  • Filmmakers have used the concept of a black hole many times to add mystery to science fiction films.
  • There are different types of black holes.
  • Black holes have different sizes.
  • Our observation of a black hole for the first time in human history is a very important proof of the general theory of relativity discovered by Albert Einstein in 1916.

What are black holes Definition facts books


What are black holes Definition facts books


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