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What are comics?

Comics art concept

Comics (Comics or Funnies) is a new graphic art and a form of its artists expressing the world around them or a different world created by their imagination, in which they talk about good and evil, morals, heroism, and many more. Boring and orderly, the artist’s ability to create a smile is an achievement in itself.

Comics’ themes and actions vary according to different personal interests and offer opportunities for laughs that range from soap operas and political humor to various facts and history.

Some offer a kind of implicit interpretation of real life. All comics help in understanding the way of thinking of at least one person in a particular area, and help in unifying opinions and ranks under the roof of personal, national, political, and social feelings, tendencies, and perceptions.

The use of comics images in various media, books, television, and films indicates the diversity of comics topics themselves and reveals other perspectives through which the ambiguity of the subject and the message can be revealed.

Comics book

A collection of comics, usually arranged in chronological order, telling a single story or a series of different stories.

The first real books on this art appeared in 1933 as an advertising prize in a program, and by 1935 comic books and newspapers were reprinted with innovative stories and sold in large numbers. During World War II the comics dealt with war and crime and found several readers among soldiers stationed outside the frontiers. In the 1950s some of the blame was placed on the comics for the delinquency of young men and women, so the relevant bodies responded with a kind of self-censorship, but criticism of some adventure cartoons continued.

In the 1960s, comic book criticism of the underworld became popular, especially among college students, and by the 21st century, Japanese books (manga) had achieved great international fame with their influence and diverse and fascinating content. Serious topics.

Web comics and street art

In the period before the appearance of superheroes in most films, television programs, animations, and video games, it was difficult to talk about the existence of comic books as we know them today, but the birth of that art (as other types of other arts) was imminent, and with the arrival of computers And the Internet, it has been adapted to suit the requirements of the new era.

Digital and print comics and photographic novels first appeared in parallel with the first generation of computers, and over the years those graphics became more and more refined in terms of image quality.

Comic makers started with 3D technology and early Photoshop effects and shared their work on CD-ROMs before putting it on the web. This led to the spread of the hashtag “Webcomics” on the Internet. This virtual comics presence has led to the creation of full-fledged custom works, awards, and independent webcomics groups.

In terms of contemporary art, lovable comics characters found a home in the young, rising movement that perhaps reflects the nature of the majority, and the concept of a superhero was embodied in urban art as soon as artists began photographing streets, providing these animations with a new way to reach to a broad audience, and in this way, both street art and comics had that rebellious side and impulse for a free existence in the world among the people and on the roads.

Famous comic artist

Here are the top ten comics artists who changed this world with their timeless works:

  • Will Eisner: The most famous name in the field of comics art, who never liked the term “comics,” and coined the term “sequential art.”
  • Harvey Kurtzman: He became famous for drawing comics as a teenager, entering the commercial comic book industry at the age of 18.
  • Jack Kirby: The designer of Captain America and the Hulk superhero, he worked at Marvel Comics for a while.
  • Steve Ditko: He is the creator of the superhero “Spider-Man”, alongside Stan Lee in Marvel Comics.
  • Neal Adams: He was deeply interested in comics as a child, and his first experience in the field was rejected by DC Comics.
  • Bernie Wrightson: He is known as the master of horror, as he has a profound influence on horror films, and one of his most famous works in this field is Swamp Thing with writer Len Wen.
  • Moebius.
  • Jean Giraud: He is known as one of the greatest European artists, nicknamed Mébius, who blends speed and creativity in his paintings.
  • Frank Miller: American comic book artist, who was one of the greatest comic artists of the 1970-1980s.
  • Dave Sim: Dave created a comics character called Cerebus the Aardvark, who lives in a different world that Dave designed for him.
  • Art Spiegelman: American artist, best known for his works are Maus I and Maus II. and Here My Troubles Began, which examines the lives of his parents.

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