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who invented camera | who invented camera first

who invented camera | who invented camera first Camera The camera is a device that shoots stable or moving images,…

2 years ago

who invented electric | Who is the inventor of electricity

who invented electric | Who is the inventor of electricity The truth about the invention of electricity When a question…

2 years ago

World map with countries

World map with countries The world map gives us an insight into the political borders between the countries of the…

3 years ago

What’s great depression

What's the great depression The Great Depression is the economic downturn that began around the world in 1929 and lasted…

3 years ago

What is economic bubble / Most famous economic bubbles that happened

What is economic bubble / Most famous economic bubbles that happened The economic bubble represents one of the scenarios that…

3 years ago

Labor Day date? 8 working hours… the first spark of Labor Day!

Labor Day date 8 working hours the first spark of Labor Day Work It is to perform a profession, job,…

3 years ago

Why do we celebrate Labor Day?

Why do we celebrate Labor Day? Labor Day or International Labor Day, is an official holiday in many countries of…

3 years ago

Babylonian and Phoenician / ancient civilizations that left a great history

Babylonian and Phoenician / ancient civilizations that left a great history The history of peoples is determined by the civilizations…

3 years ago