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How to stay motivated

I need motivation. I needed it yesterday and will need it tomorrow as well.
Have you ever wondered why even after reading scores of motivational blogs, scrolling down on quotes, and making up our minds to do away with lazy work, we often fail? Oops! It’s not failing but surely it’s about feeling low, missing on targets, and procrastinating things.

I have got something to tell you but not the typical how to stay motivated (it sucks). This is basically talking as I discussed in the very first post.

3 Best Tips To Stay Motivated

Here are three short texts, contemplate and think upon each.

1. Get out of Comfort Zone

Do you remember the first day of your school? Well, I guess most of you don’t. Even the same goes for me. But it’s common to think of our very first day there, after seeing a child continuously resisting his parent from being taken to school. At that time stepping out of the home without mom was something like getting out of my comfort zone.

And today, being at home feels like hell, no! You often also save yourself from discussing everything with your parents. So, this is basically how life goes. Highs and lows are parts of our lives. Getting out of the comfort zone is important. Just never fail to fail.

2. Remember the Worst and Be the Best

Think for a few seconds and come up with the lowest you ever achieved in life! Now think a bit more and confirm if it was a devastating failure, heartbreak, or something just annoying that led to this. Whatever it was, I am pretty sure it helped you made your best.

You felt low going through this all, but believe me, some feel more motivated and concentrated. ‘A broken heart and empty pocket can teach you the best lessons of life. I agree with this famous saying. Some people feel motivated about failing, while most of us tend to act better when we are acknowledged for our good.

It was only after writing this line I knew why my teacher used to inflate my marks a bit ( Only weak students can relate, xD). Find out what motivates you and think of yourself being in that situation and be the best version of yourself.

3. Take Small Steps then Big One

One personal incident, please. I remember when I was in standard 6th I was very weak in one of my subjects. And the worse the teacher hated me too so I was almost on the verge of failing. But with exams getting postponed I decided to take upon topics one by one and in small fractions, starting with easiest and moving up while revising all the previous syllabus.

Believe me or not these regular small steps made this subject my favorite and I scored best in that particular subject. The incident might be a very natural one, but it really beautifully emphasizes how small regular efforts can make big permanent results.

Hope it helps. Will meet with the next talk soon. Till then come up with views on this. Bye, Take care and stay motivated.

How to Stay Motivated


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