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Tips to time management / Secret Ways to Plan Your day Effectively

Tips to time management / Secret Ways to Plan Your day Effectively

We have a lot of plans on a daily basis but we end up doing less work in the end. One thing that everyone knows is that it is just about mismanagement of time. But we still let every second less its worth. Life is made up of seconds and wasting time has none other meaning than wasting life.

Of the 24 hours everyone has, some people mint millions while others end up procrastinating things. It is quite obvious that laziness kills time which makes both mind and body stressed. Time management relieves you greatly. There are several ways to do the same but the most loved one according to me is what I would discuss.

Time Management Tips To Plan Your Day Effectively

Here are some tips to manage your time and help you to plan your day effectively.

1. Always have your Plans in Written

Written Plans help you to manage your time more effectively. Therefore you always have your plans in writing. Whenever you ask a Leader/Winner/Achiever about their plans, they always have their written plans ready for the day. Because when you keep your tasks in your mind, Your mind will be stressed. So, writing plans in the notebook will make your mind free and the whole day will be in your control.

When you write the whole plan for the day then unimportant works will never distract you and you will be more productive.

3. Schedule Your Day a Night before or in the Start

Scheduling your day makes you productive and helps you manage your time. Therefore schedule your day with perfect plans. I would suggest you make this before going to bed for the next day. If not possible then do this early in the morning. So that you can use your fresh new brain to take action rather than worrying about the works. The next point will help you to make your To-Do-List.

3. Use ABC Technique For Time Management

To-Do-List helps in managing your time and work. It helps you get a better idea of what you want from yourself. This helps in avoiding distractions throughout the day. This can be better achieved by using the ABC system.

The system possesses a different way of implementation as it differentiates between your urgencies and needs. As per the ABC system possess there are some categories.

The first category or ‘A’ includes those works which are urgent or need serious attention as not responding properly can leave you in a lurch.

The other category or ‘B’ has the work which is not urgent but important for you. These works may be related to your personal life or anything in common such as responsibilities on you.

The next category or ‘C’ includes not urgent, not important work. These works are in your mind such as an entertainment medium or maybe your hobby too.

4. Keep Sufficient Margins

In starting, many people just over plan their day. And after a while think that time management is not working for them. So, never plan your day tightly because some works can take time or we could have emergencies or anything else. Therefore, Always have some margins and gaps between your works.

If those time were left then it will be your bonus time and you can use it for your hobbies.

5. Evaluate Yourself

To do anything with productivity you need to evaluate yourself. Therefore to managing your time and to plan your day effectively, you need to evaluate yourself. Check your daily log, find what you can improve and what is going well. You can do this before going to bed, Just check your day and find what you have done. If your day log is wrong then improve it and make it easy. Do this at least once a week to be more efficient.

6. Make it a Habit

To learn any skill you need to practice it. Time management is also a skill and you need to practice it to make it your habit. Always take action according to your daily log and make it your habit. Unlike any other skill, time management will be a part of your life

Once this will be your habit then you can take its benefits for life long.


These are some Time Management Tips to Plan your day effectively. I hope these tips were helpful. There are several other ways to manage your time which you will come across. By then use this plan and scale new heights. Good luck!

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Tips to time management / Secret Ways to Plan Your day Effectively


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