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How to make your site or store top in Google and search engines SEO services

How to make your site or store top in Google and search engines SEO services

A contribution from One Media magazine to help beginner entrepreneurs and owners of already established businesses, we have made this simple guide that makes you can start your own online business on your own very easily, and “ One Media ’s Comprehensive Guide to Starting an Online Business for Beginners” provides nine articles that contain all the explanations you will need And tools to start your project journey on the Internet… Let’s complete the guide together with the seventh article, which is “All you need to know as an entrepreneur about optimizing websites for search engines”…

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Search Engine Marketing

The success of your emerging electronic project depends on the ability of your site to attract visitors to it. There are more than 4.66 billion Internet users in the world and over 1 billion sites compete daily to appear and reach this audience.

Search engine marketing is one of the most important elements of digital marketing , and it is your best marketing choice to increase the chance of your audience to reach you easily. More than 90% of website visitors come through search engines , especially Google search engine, so the suitability of your site to search engines results in the success of your site And get targeted visitors on a regular basis.

All fields are the same and I do not need previous experience in your field to improve your site!

Although there are many similar points and steps that you can follow to improve your site’s results in search engines, there are differences. There are some areas that contain more competitive keywords than others and some other areas are less competitive in addition to being an SEO specialist who has previous experience in your field. He will be better able to understand the requirements of the market and the company than someone who will have to learn the field. Always prioritize a SEO professional who has previous experience in your company field.

And when it comes to optimizing sites for search engines, there are many things that you should know and you can find out through this article: 8 Unbelievable Common Lies About seo services best seo practices

The configuration of the site depends on:

  • Configure the site’s keywords after studying the target words your audience uses to search for your services.
  • Review and improve website content to meet the needs of your target audience while optimizing it for search engines.
  • Strengthening the site with external links from trusted and reputable sites that enhance the site’s strength with search engines.

Target the right keywords and don’t kill your site before it starts!

Google’s goal is to make users satisfied and get the best and most accurate search results as quickly as possible. Therefore, you should always consider the keywords your target audience uses to search for your site, get information and answers or purchase your services.

Query search words

Are the search words that we use for the purpose of searching for a specific site (for example, when writing YouTube, Facebook or One media ) in the search engine. You are largely aiming to reach the site itself or even other information related to the site, and as an entrepreneur, you must have the first place when searching about your site name.

Investigative search words

They are the general search words that we use for the purpose of accessing information or an answer to a question, for example when you type (How many countries are in Africa ? The best slimming programs , how do I configure a site for search engines ?) You are then searching to find information or an answer to your question.

As an entrepreneur, you are interested in building the trust and credibility of your website to be a source of information for your target audience.

But how does my site appear for such keywords? Here are some types of content that can help you:

Write articles containing many tips in your field, prepare a video explaining how to work, write detailed articles as a guide in your field, design an infographic that contains valuable information in an attractive way. And there is plenty of room for creativity in the types of content you can provide.

Purchasing search terms

Are those words that we use when making a purchase decision or doing something on the site such as downloading or booking, for example (Samsung Galaxy S7 mobile price, cheapest web hosting, free templates) you intend to buy and look for the price or want to download templates and so on.

These are the words that contain the money that any business owner wants for continuity and with your site properly configured, you will arrive in advanced rankings for those words.

You can follow this guide from Google to configure your website pages step by step

How to make your site or store top in Google and search engines SEO services

Content is not the king… Content is the kingdom and you are the king!

After you have prepared the keywords that you will target and read the Google guide to learn how to configure your site pages, you should think about the content that you will publish.

One of the biggest common SEO mistakes is thinking that posting lots of good content on your site will improve your results, but let’s tell you the shocking truth. The world is full of good content and Google bots browse and archive thousands of articles every day but what should I do as an entrepreneur?

Here is the answer… The secret is in the excellent content targeted to the right category. Many sites publish good articles, but how many sites publish great articles that deserve to be shared with your friends and co-workers. little right? Simply because they contain “added value”.

Copied content. Duplicate content. Literally translated content All of these types of content are not unique and knowing them is the first step towards avoiding them. But how do I prepare excellent content that adds value?

Simply write from your experiences and the experiences of your target customers… write what your audience needs. Register new educational content Create a book or guide that simplifies information. Prepare and publish a reliable study that contains value-added information about your project field.

Now how do you get reliable links?

Let’s first understand why these links are important! Simply put, these links are a vote that tells Google that you have such excellent content that other website owners tag it to their visitors. The more those links are from sites with a strong Google rating and contain content directed to your target audience, the more valuable this vote will be.

How many links do I need? The question is wrong, the goal is not how many links the main goal is the quality of those links.

Here are some dear ways to get reliable links…

In a previous article, we published several tips for bloggers, among which were investing in good relationships and mutual benefit, as blogging helps you build good relationships in your field. So if you spend some time sharing and commenting on the posts of other writers in your field. You most likely have built a strong network of relationships with writers and blogs. When publishing a new article feel free to share it with them. If they like it, they will definitely be interested in sharing it with their friends and followers, and if someone contacts you, do not hesitate to do the same.

Another way… Seek the opinions of experts, owners of large websites and blogs in your field, and when you publish your article, send it to them and kindly ask them to refer to the article in one of their blogs or share it with their network of followers on social networks.

Visitor articles are a great way to get strong, trusted links by writing specialized articles that are valuable and targeted to your audience for reputable blogs and sites that allow their followers to publish articles, make a list of the best in your field and contact them.

Now you should know that optimizing your site for search engines is a journey that requires time, effort, perseverance and many experiences.

Here are some resources you can follow to learn more:

  • Search Engine Land
  • Neil Patel
  • Backlinko

Marketing through social networks

In contrast to SEO, which takes a long time to reach the desired results, social networks can be considered one of the fastest means of promoting startups and websites. By creating a business page for your project on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you can communicate directly with a large segment of those interested in your project. and potential clients alike.

But due to the nature of the algorithms of these networks and the large number of pages followed by each person subscribed to these networks, the percentage of reach of what you publish on these pages will be small, and you will definitely need to do a paid promotion for your project page in order to reach a larger segment of followers in the shortest possible time.

Facebook Promotional Tools

The Facebook network provides special tools for advertising and publicizing Pages that offer great flexibility in work, where you can send your ad only to the audience interested in the topic of your page through targeting tools that allow you to choose the age to target, countries, geographic regions, interests, and the available budget to spend on advertising campaigns .

You can see the success stories of advertising campaigns on Facebook, and what methods and plans have been used by entrepreneurs to reach the desired results quickly by heading to the Facebook Business website, and you can also display your ads on the Instagram photo sharing network from within the ad center itself.

In addition to the possibility of paid advertising, Facebook offers other tools such as an extension that enables your visitors to like your page, and this tool helps you to attract more followers to your page without advertising costs by simply pasting the code for the tool on your site.

Other tools such as the button to share content pages (articles or products on your site), the ability to comment using a Facebook account and also the ability to sign up with a single click through a Facebook account. You can find all of these tools and more on the Facebook Developer Tools website.

Twitter Ad Tools

If you are looking to bring more followers to your company’s account on Twitter, or even send more “traffic” to your site, or publicize your application or service, or perhaps more views for your promotional videos, you can do so through Twitter advertising tools.

You can do promotional campaigns for your project in just 10 minutes, you choose the budget and targeting, of course, after preparing the appropriate content. Twitter, as we know, is a microblogging network, and you have to limit the 140-character limit on the posts you want to promote.

How to make your site or store top in Google and search engines SEO services

How to make your site or store top in Google and search engines SEO services


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