How to Write a Curriculum Vitae (CV) for a Job Application and best resume creator online

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How to Write a Curriculum Vitae (CV) for a Job Application and best resume creator online

Writing a CV is like preparing a marketing document that contains a summary of the professional history, scientific experience, and academic qualifications of job seekers, and it is the first way to convince employers of job applications.

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On the personal side, the CV gives a personal feeling of satisfaction with the achievements we have made during our previous professional and scientific career, or it may be a compass and an indicator to increase our activity and develop our expertise.

Read also: How do I write an experience certificate?

What is a Curriculum Vitae CV

Simply put, a curriculum vitae (Curriculum Vitae, or résumé) is a written overview of your skills, education, and work experience. generally; A specific CV is written to identify its owner but the most common reason to use it is to apply for job vacancies.

Curriculum Vitae content

The structure of a resume is very flexible, as the general determinant of content includes skills, experience, and education as mentioned earlier, but there are special sections that employers expect to see in your resume.

  • Name, occupation and contact information

The first part of the CV at the top of the page must contain your name, occupation, and contact details. HR experts also advise against writing the words “resume” or “resume” as a heading at the top of the page, but rather put your name as a heading instead.

For contact information, an email address and phone number are very important when writing a CV, and it is also useful to mention the country or city in which you reside. Some recommend adding your profile link within LinkedIn but urge you to update your profile on the site before you do so.

  • Profile personly

A profile or personal statement is meant to answer key questions that an employer might want to know, such as: who are you, what you will bring to the company, and what are your career goals.

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  • Professional experience and career history

As the name of this section indicates, it is to mention your professional and occupational experiences, but be sure to mention these experiences in reverse chronological order, i.e. from the last job position you held because your last position is the most relevant to the employer.

When writing our professional experiences, we specify the job title in each profession we worked, as well as the employer, the start and end date, and then we add one or two lines to the most important tasks and responsibilities that we were performing, and the most important achievements we achieved during the work. And if you have many years of experience, some old jobs can be deleted to prevent prolongation.

  • Education and qualifications

As is the case in the professional experiences section, we list the educational qualifications in reverse chronological order, i.e. starting from the most recent. To mention the educational qualification, we mention the name of the educational institution first, then add the date of our study there, and finally write the academic qualification with the academic evaluation (acceptable, good, excellent…).

  • Some additional sections: The previous components are considered essential and indispensable when writing a CV of any kind, but on the other hand, there are many components that can be added, including:
  1. Basic skills: If you are writing a resume for a job and you want to show some abilities to the employer, you can add a special section for the main skills at the bottom of the profile, mentioning four to five skills at most.
  2. Hobbies and interests: It is often useful to list some interests and hobbies related to the job you want to get, but we should not exaggerate or mention hobbies and interests that are not real and that we do not do.

Best CV creator sites

Fortunately, the task of writing a resume is no longer such a difficult task that requires a lot of trouble in terms of file arrangement and choosing the appropriate formats for each paragraph, many websites provide us with the advantage of creating a professional resume for free.

  • Resumonk

Resumonk is one of the best resume maker websites. It is easy to use and does not take much time to get a great resume. All we have to do is visit the site, choose a suitable form and enter our details.

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The site provides the service free and paid, as it allows the free user to benefit from 4 ready-made templates and allows him to download them as PDF files.

  • Visual CV

The Visual CV site offers several ready-made and free templates for writing an elegant resume, but first, we have to create an account within the site to be able to take advantage of the site’s free or paid features.

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Visual CV allows its users to add sections of their choice and modify them as appropriate for them, and the user can download files in PDF format.

  • ranks as one of the best free resume builders on the internet, as the site offers standard and well-built templates, and many describe them as practical despite its simple design, and is completely free as it offers all its services and templates for free to users.

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One last tip when writing a resume

Some advise that the resume file should not exceed one page, but make sure to include all the details and never cut out the important details to save space.

Another thing before applying for any job vacancy you desire, be sure to review your resume and revise it for any errors or inconsistencies in information.

How to Write a Curriculum Vitae (CV) for a Job Application and best resume creator online

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